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Product Emails

Emails can sometimes feel like an old school way of communicating, but if used correctly, it can be an effective way to send your message directly to the inbox of your customers. 

I would send out emails to our subscribers when new product

lines became available, highlighting product features while letting photos do most of the work.


I would also send out monthly marketing updates to our sales representatives across the country. This would contain new product, training, and general house-keeping updates.


Step 1 - Determine email Focus and Goal

Step 2 - Narrow Target Audience

Step 3 - Create an Outline of Topics

Step 4 - Gather Required Media

Step 5 - Create Emailed Based on Design Template

or Create New Template

Step 6 - Test Email Subject Line Score

Step 7 - Test Links

Step 8 - Test Email in Multiple Email Clients

Step 9 - Final Review

Step 10 - Send Emails

Step 11 - Collect Analytics

Project Process

I utilized Zoho Campaigns that was tied to our CRM. Zoho for the most part is a what-you-see-what-you-get, but there were times that I would hard code items so they would display properly on the various email clients. I would often ride the fine line of interesting design and similar layout for the sake of displaying properly on more simple email clients.

Design Ideology

When I would design emails for the sales representatives, I would design them in Zoho and then export the HTML and use a code injector for Outlook. Sending through Outlook was a requirement so I could send them the emails to their company email addresses.

Email Phone Mockup 5.png
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