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GT Website

This project's main focus was to rebuild the current website with a new Wordpress builder, Elementor, while maintaining the same content. The current site was unstable, so a clean development environment was mandatory. 

The target audience was two-fold, those who use the company services and those who make public policy decisions for self-direction services. With the split target, the site included over 30 pages and 75 industry blog/thought pieces.


Step 1 - Outline Project Scope

Step 2 - Create Sitemap

Step 3 - Design Wireframe/Prototype

Step 4 - Create Development Environment

Step 5 - Design Test Pages

Step 6 - Design Header and Footer

Step 7 - Create Asset Components for use throughout the site

Step 8 - Review Current State

Step 9 - Bulk Design Period

Step 10 - Optimize for Responsive Design

Step 11 - Final Review

Step 12 - Push Development to Production

Project Process

This website was built on the WordPress platform using the Elementor builder. The following plugins were utilized:

  • 301 Redirects Pro

  • GTranslate

  • Interactive Geo Maps

  • JetSearch

  • JetSmartFilters

Design Ideology

When designing, I strive to use the least amount of plugins as possible. Ongoing website maintenance is aways in mind when designing. Limiting the amount of plugins and custom code makes maintaining the site significantly less invasive.

Launch Site

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